Temasek Shophouse will close its doors to the public for expansion works from 4 December 2023 onwards. Click on this link for more information.

What's happening

TEDxSingaporeLive: Possibility

20 May 2023

TEDxSingapore is back with their TEDLive Screening:

Much of today’s public conversation is eaten up by zero-sum battles between divided groups. But the world doesn’t have to be zero-sum. At TED2023 they will explore together a strange and beautiful space called the adjacent possible.

Join the TEDxSingapore community - the dreamers, inventors and creatives. Innovators, entrepreneurs and builders. Explorers and change-makers. Visionary thinkers and doers from every field of human endeavor.

15:30- 16:30 | TEDLive Screening
16:00- 16:30 | Community Conversation
17:00- 18:00 | Fireside Chat with guest speakers

Come connect with TEDxSingapore, and also meet their guest speakers on a fireside chat!

Open to public.

Sign up at: TEDxSingaporeLive: Possibility | Peatix